This SLJ Activity is about putting words that are related to each category. Put a word that is related to a category in the right category. I took some information from a video by Mr. Goodwin. Some of it is my own.
SLJ: Japanese Puffer fish
This SLJ activity is about making and designing your own Japanese Puffer fish. My Puffer fish is a purple puffer fish this puffer fish is calm and happy. My puffer fish also has a little bit of venom and poison.
SLJ Activity
This is my first ever summer learning journey activity. This is about creating your own collectible cards. For my one, I created Dory and a sad nemo. For this activity, you could only choose Disney characters
Celebrations around the world: Matariki
Celebrations around the world: Matariki. Matariki is about 7 sisters being told by their parents to do an important job. Their Important job was to go in the sky and shine.
Kawa of care GIF
Kawa of care is important. One important rule about kawa of care is hugholding Chromebooks. Hugholding Chromebooks makes Chromebooks not fall, If your Chromebook falls down Straight away tell your teacher or your chromebook damage gets worse.
Fake Images
Fake images: Fake images that you use even that you do not know that they are fake images can be a scam. The images on the internet can always be a scam , just like this image i made. I made this image just to infirm you nabout fake images. The Backround is fake, the seeweeed is fake, also the fishing rod and fish and also the rock is fake.
About Diwali
This is my work about Diwali. Diwali is a traditional Festival for Indians, Diwali can be celabrated by lighting candles or something else.Dīpāvalī), is the Hindu festival of lights, with variations celebrated in other Indian religions such as Jainism and Sikhism. Diwali is a great festival to celabrate.